
Sudanese Foreign Ministry: Transitional Sovereignty Council Vice President, Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo did not support Russian

Sudanese Foreign Ministry: Transitional Sovereignty Council Vice President, Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo did not support Russian President Vladimir Putin’s decision to invade Ukraine. His words were taken out of context, and this is a cheap attempt at disinformation.

The Foreign Ministry rigorously denies information circulating on social media that Dagalo, also known as “Hemeti,” supported the Russian president’s decision to invade Ukraine.

In a circular disseminated earlier, the ministry noted, Dagalo stressed the need for all sides to adhere to diplomacy at all costs and to resolve the crisis through dialogue. He also noted Russia’s right to protect its citizens as guaranteed by law and the Russian Constitution.

The Foreign Ministry stated: “The statement as published in this context is a deliberate attempt to distort the facts, and a cheap attempt at disinformation.”

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